Our fellows may attend resident basic science and didactic curriculum as well as skills labs. Regularly scheduled events include:
- Weekly didactics: Sessions include review of surgical indications and planning, topical didactic discussion, and occasional lectures by attending surgeons, fellows and residents. Fellows and residents present a plan for the upcoming week’s cases.
- Journal club: Journal Club is held bimonthly. Participants discuss four to five journal articles about a specific topic. Fellows alternate responsibility for choosing articles for discussion.
- Weekly afternoon research meetings Wednesdays at 5:30
- Monthly orthopedic interest meeting with VCU Department of Engineering
Continuing medical education
Fellows may attend one paid conference and any conference at which they are a presenter. Additional conference attendance is at the discretion of the director.
Fellows sometimes serve as faculty at the residents’ course hosted by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons/American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons in Baltimore each June.